京都释法 | 争议裁决委员会(DAB)决定在老挝的可执行性及相关挑战

   日期:2024-12-26    作者:mixiangcun 移动:http://ljhr2012.riyuangf.com/mobile/quote/44100.html

[1] Laos, (2012). Law on Civil Procedure. Article 54: “After the court has decided a case relating to a commercial dispute and if there has been no appeal, the decision shall be sent to the relevant judgment enforcement office for speedy enforcement.”

京都释法 | 争议裁决委员会(DAB)决定在老挝的可执行性及相关挑战

[2] Laos, (2012). Law on Civil Procedure. Article 53: “If the court finds correct, the court shall confirm it, and such mediation settlement or arbitral award shall become enforceable.”

[3] Laos, (2012). Law on Civil Procedure. Article 80: “In the case of mediation by the court, the mediation settlement shall be effective and enforceable as a final decision of the court.”

[4] Laos, (2018). Law on the Resolution of Economic Disputes. Article 15: “The following are the two types of resolution of economic disputes: 1. Resolution by mediation; and, 2. Resolution by arbitration.”

[5] Macob Civil Engineering Limited v Morrison Construction Limited, 1999. [1999] BLR 93. High Court [EWHC], Queen's Bench Division [QBD], Technology and Construction Court, United Kingdom; England and Wales. 12 February 1999.

[6] Bouygues UK Ltd v Dahl-Jensen UK Ltd, 2000. [2001] 1 All E.R. (Comm) 1041. 31 July 2000.

[7] PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBK v CRW Joint Operation, 2015. [2015] SGCA 30.

[8] 先付原则要求在争议最终解决之前,合同一方(通常是业主或发包方)必须先按照DAB或相似机构的决定支付款项给另一方(通常是承包商)。这意味着,即使发包方对DAB的决定有异议,也必须先执行支付,然后再通过后续的法律程序(如仲裁或诉讼)寻求修改或撤销该决定。

[9] International Chamber of Commerce, n.d. ICC Case No. 15751/JHN. [Arbitral award].

[10] International Chamber of Commerce, 2010. ICC Case No. 16948/GZ. [Arbitral award].

[11] The Law Society of Singapore, 2021. Advisory on Dispute Resolution Options for Potential Litigants, which means “appointing a neutral third party (who is not a judge) to evaluate or determine your dispute with the other party, on a confidential basis, out of court”. [online] Available at: https://law-society-singapore-prod.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/2021/12/Guidance-Note-7.1.2-Advisory-on-Dispute-Resolution-Options-for-Potential-Litigants-Final-for-issuing.pdf [Accessed 26 November 2023].

[12] Ford, C., 2018. The Law Society Neutral Evaluation and Neutral Determination Scheme. Law Gazette, [online] December. Available at: https://lawgazette.com.sg/feature/law-society-neutral-evaluation-and-neutral-determination-scheme [Accessed 26 November 2023].

[13] The Law Society of Singapore, 2021. Advisory on Dispute Resolution Options for Potential Litigants. [online] Available at: https://law-society-singapore-prod.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/2021/12/Guidance-Note-7.1.2-Advisory-on-Dispute-Resolution-Options-for-Potential-Litigants-Final-for-issuing.pdf [Accessed 26 November 2023].


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