Search public data or use a Bing Custom Search for generative answers nodes

   日期:2024-12-26    作者:b534457 移动:

At the topic level, you can search publicly available data by using the Bing search engine API within a generative answers node.

You can use the default Bing Search configuration or build a tailored search for specific content using Bing Custom Search. Bing Search helps you boost your agent by including many sources without configuring each source individually. To use Bing Custom Search as a source, you need a custom search instance connected to the Create generative answers node.

To use Bing search or Bing Custom Search:

  1. Open the Data source configuration pane from one of two places:

    1. On the Create generative answers node, select Edit under Data sources.

    2. Alternatively, in the Create generative answers node select the , then select Properties and select Data source.

  2. Select the Class data options.

  3. Under Search public data, select how you want to search:

    • To use Bing Search, select Search public websites.

    • To use a Bing Custom Search, select Search with Bing Custom Search and enter your Custom Configuration ID in the Configuration ID input box.


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