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2024-12-27 12:00

Out of all your online accounts, there’s a good chance that Google holds most of your information. Think about it: if you use Gmail for email, Chrome for web browsing, and Android for your mobile OS, then you’re already using Google for almost everything you do.


在您所有的在线帐户中,Google很可能会保留您的大部分信息。 想想看:如果您将Gmail用于电子邮件,将Chrome用于网络浏览并将Android用于移动操作系统,那么您几乎已经在使用Google了。

Now that you’re thinking about how much of your stuff is stored and saved by Google, think about how secure that account is. What if someone got access to your Google account? That would include bank statements in Gmail, personal files in Drive, stored pictures in Google Photos, chat logs from Hangouts, and a lot more. Scary thought, right? Let’s talk about how to make sure your account is as secure as it can be.

现在,您正在考虑Google存储和保存了多少东西,现在考虑一下该帐户的安全性。 如果有人可以访问您的Google帐户怎么办? 这将包括在Gmail中的银行对账单,在驱动器的个人文件,在谷歌图片存储的照片,从视频群聊的聊天记录以及更多 。 吓到了吧? 让我们讨论一下如何确保您的帐户安全。

Google makes checking your account security very easy: just use the built-in Security Checkup tool on your account’s “Sign in & security” page.

Google可以非常轻松地检查您的帐户安全性:只需使用帐户 “ 登录和安全性 ”页面上的内置安全性检查工具即可。

When you click the “Security Checkup” option, you’ll be tossed into a multi-section form that will basically just ask you to review and confirm some information—this shouldn’t take that long, but you’ll definitely want to take your time and thoroughly review the information you find here.


设置辅助电话和电子邮件 (Set a Recovery Phone and Email)

The first option is very simple: confirm your recovery phone number and email address. Basically, if you get locked out of your Google account, you’ll want to make sure this stuff is correct. Also, you’ll get an email on your recovery account whenever your primary account is logged into a new location.

最后,您将查看两步验证设置。 如果您没有进行此设置,我们将在下面进行说明。

If you do, however, make sure everything is up to date—double check your phone number or other authentication method and confirm that your backup code amount is correct—if you’ve never used a backup code for anything but have fewer than 10 left available, something isn’t right!

尽管检查过程本身非常有用,但您还需要了解如何自己手动访问和更改设置。 让我们看看现在最常见的。

If you’ve been on the internet for any reasonable amount of time, then you already know the spiel: use a strong password. Your child’s name or birthday, your birthday, or anything else that can be easily guessed are not examples of strong passwords—those are the kinds of passwords you use when you basically want your data to get stolen. Hard truth, I know, but that’s what it is.

如果您已经在互联网上停留了合理的时间,那么您已经知道这件事了使用强密码 。 您孩子的名字或生日,生日或其他任何容易猜到的都不是强密码的示例,而是您基本上希望数据被盗时使用的那种密码。 硬道理,我知道,但这就是事实。

We highly, highly recommend using some sort of a password generator and manager to get the strongest passwords possible—one that’s part of a password vault is even better. My personal favorite of the bunch is LastPass, which I’ve been using for a few years now. When it comes to new passwords, this is my go-to: I just let LastPass generate a new password and save it, and I never think about it again. As long as I remember my master password, then that’s the only one I’ll ever need. You should look into doing the same—not just for your Google account, but for all your accounts! We have a full guide on how to do that here.

我们高度重视强烈建议使用某种密码发生器和经理得到最强的密码可能-一个的密码库的一部分,甚至更好。 我个人最喜欢的是LastPass ,我已经使用了几年了。 当涉及到新密码时,这就是我要做的事情:我只是让LastPass生成一个新密码并保存它,而我再也不会考虑它。 只要我记得我的主密码,那就是我唯一需要的密码。 您应该考虑这样做-不仅仅针对您的Google帐户,还应针对所有帐户! 在这里,我们有关于如何执行此操作的完整指南。

Once you have a strong password, it’s time to set up 2-step authentication (also commonly referred to as two-factor authentication or “2FA”). Basically, this means that you need two things to get into your account: your password, and a second form of authentication—generally something that is only accessible to you. For example, you can receive a text message with a unique code, use an authentication app on your phone (like Google Authenticator or Authy), or even use Google’s new code-less authentication system, which is my personal favorite.

有了强密码后,就可以设置两步身份验证了(通常也称为两因素身份验证或“ 2FA”)。 基本上,这意味着您需要两件事进入您的帐户:您的密码和第二种身份验证形式-通常只有您可以访问。 例如,您可以接收带有唯一代码的短信,可以在手机上使用身份验证应用程序(例如Google Authenticator或Authy ),甚至可以使用Google的新的无代码身份验证系统 ,这是我个人的最爱。

That way, your device is secured with something you know, and something you have. If someone gets your password, they won’t be able to access your account unless they’ve also stolen your phone.

这样,您的设备就可以通过自己知道的东西和拥有的东西得到保护 。 如果有人获得了您的密码,除非他们也偷了您的手机,否则他们将无法访问您的帐户。

To change your password or set up 2-step verification, you first need to head into your Google Account Settings, then select “Sign-in & security.”

要更改您的密码(这是一件好事,我显然长期逾期),点击“密码”框。 首先将要求您输入当前密码,然后出现一个新的密码输入框。 很简单。

To set up or change your 2-step verification settings, go ahead and click that link on the main “Sign-in & security” page. Again, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. If you’ve never set up 2-step verification on your Google account, you can click the “Get Started” box to, um, get started. It’ll ask you to sign in again, then send a code either via text message or phone call.

繁荣,您已经完成:您的帐户现在安全了。 对你有好处

The rest of the security page is pretty straightforward (and also a part of the Security Checkup we talked about earlier), as it covers connected devices, apps, and notification settings. More than something you can actively do, everything in the “Device activity & notifications” and “Connected apps & sites” are something you’ll have to passively keep an eye on.

安全页面的其余部分非常简单(也是我们前面提到的安全检查的一部分),因为它涵盖了连接的设备,应用程序和通知设置。 “设备活动和通知”以及“连接的应用程序和网站”中的所有内容都比您可以主动做的要多,您需要被动地关注这些内容。

You can monitor account activity here—like devices that have recently been signed into your Google account, for example—along with currently logged-in devices. Again, if you’re no longer using a device, revoke its access! You can get more information about events and devices by clicking the respective “Review…” link.

请不时查看这些页面,并清除不需要访问的所有内容。 您会更快乐,更安全。

Securing your Google account isn’t hard, nor is it all that time consuming, and it’s something that everyone who has a Google account should do. Google has done an excellent job of putting everything in one place and making it incredibly easy to parse, control, and edit.

保护您的Google帐户并不难,也不是很费时,这是拥有Google帐户的每个人都应该做的。 Google出色地完成了将所有内容放在一起并使其易于解析,控制和编辑的工作。

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